Hello faithful readers of the Newell family adventures. I want to thank those of you who have kept up with us since our early webpage beginnings in 2000 when we left for Bolivia. It's hard to believe that 12 years have passed since that time. Thanks for being a part of our lives as we have journeyed from the Andes Mountains, to the Arizona desert and now to the beautiful hill country of Texas.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lily and Silas enjoying the sprinkler for the first time this year.
This was the perfect birthday date ever. Pete and I rented a canoe at the lake downtown Austin and canoed for a couple of hours while the kids were with B and Grandad. I had an awesome birthday this year and this date was one of the many blessings.
Grandma and Grandpa Newell came into town for a few days. We loved having them here as we enjoyed the Austin Zoo, ate yummy BBQ at the Salt Lick, and of course we had a project day working out in our yard planting plants and trees. Thank you Newells and Foxes for all the work you did for us!!! We love our yard now!
Lily and Silas showing off their certificates for memorizing the Lord's Prayer. Every two weeks they are learning about a new Biblical truth, concept or character trait of the Lord, putting that word into practice and memorizing scripture that relates to the word. They are both excellent students.
It's cousin time! We enjoyed having Easter brunch with my brother, Ron and his family. Here's Silas with his cousin Jordan Fox.
Joe enjoying time with his sweet cousin Evan.
Lily sharing some giggles with cousin Quinn.
The whole gang: Joe, Jordan, Silas, Quinn, Lily, Evan and Olivia.
Superhero Siblings
Sweet little Lil
We loved seeing our old Wheaton friends Seth and Maggie Dietrich, who now live in Milwaukee. Seth is from Austin so whenever they come to visit his padres, we are blessed by a visit with them. Loved being with you guys again!!!
So, here's Silas happily playing on the swing in our backyard. A few minutes later he was playing on the little playscape structure that Pete built and.....
here he is showing off his cast that he got from falling off the playscape. It hasn't slowed him down one bit. Silas is a trooper. Two weeks before this happened he had pink eye and woke up with both eyes shut for an hour. During the time of his "blindness" he was singing in bed and making Joe laugh. He has a great approach to life!
There truly is never a dull moment with Silas. Two days after he broke his arm he was supposedly working on artwork with Lily at their little table. Lily came to me and said, "Mom, Silas cut his hair." When he came to me I touched his head and clumps of hair fell out. He had given himself a haircut to the scalp! I immediately took him to the bathroom and gave him a buzz cut. Lily and I couldn't help laughing at him and his new look.
Silas with his new hairdo.
We celebrated 2 birthdays a couple of weeks ago.... Josiah turned ONE!!! and Pete turned...a little older than he was last year. This year sure did go fast. It's hard to believe that Joe is a 1 year old now.
Enjoying his cake.
He was pretty proud of his birthday gifts, even before he opened them. We love you Joe and we are so thankful the Lord placed you in our family!!!! You are a special blessing to all of us.


Jenni said...

Love it! Welcome to a little boy's life...it's everything but boring!
I can't believe how much Joe looks like Lily when she was that age!

Unknown said...

Mike says Hi.
We enjoyed your blog so much today, and the icing on the cake for Maria was talking with you, Pete!
Mike and Maria Saeli
FH Nicaragua
from ATL