Hello faithful readers of the Newell family adventures. I want to thank those of you who have kept up with us since our early webpage beginnings in 2000 when we left for Bolivia. It's hard to believe that 12 years have passed since that time. Thanks for being a part of our lives as we have journeyed from the Andes Mountains, to the Arizona desert and now to the beautiful hill country of Texas.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The westward journey moves eastward (about 1,000 miles)

Our move date to Austin, Texas is official. We will have everything packed and out of our house by December 21st and we'll be on our way to Texas on December 22nd, just in time for Christmas. We give all glory and praise to our Lord who brought forward a buyer for our home. It was on the market a little over a month before it sold! We are praising God for this huge blessing. Now we don't have the burden of owning a house in Arizona, while living in Texas, or the stress of renting our house long distance. Also, we have the option of buying a home in Austin if we find what we want. We were not anticipating such a quick move, but because of the early closing date of December 11th, we needed to adjust our plans. We are trusting the Lord with every step and He has definitely shown His faithfulness and goodness to us.

We are quickly realizing the short amount of time we have left here in Phoenix(three weeks from today)and are trying to fit everything in before we leave... a yard sale, last coffee dates with people, dinners, peach cobbler for the youth, and letting people know how much we have loved and appreciated them. It will definitely be a sad day for us when we do leave. Which is amazing for me to say because five years ago when we drove into town I was dreaming of the day when we would be driving out. The Lord has changed my heart and thankfully I am now very sad to leave the dear people here.

We would appreciate your prayers as we begin this new chapter in our lives in Austin. Pray that we would continue to trust the Lord with every detail, knowing that He is in control and He has a plan.

We will be in touch via this blog or feel free to write either of us at: lori.newell@gmail.com or plnewell@gmail.com

Enjoy these few weeks before Christmas and take time to sit, relax and praise God for all the GREAT things He has done... including sending Jesus to save the world from sin.

Trusting in Him,

Lori and Pete and Lily and Silas

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