Hello faithful readers of the Newell family adventures. I want to thank those of you who have kept up with us since our early webpage beginnings in 2000 when we left for Bolivia. It's hard to believe that 12 years have passed since that time. Thanks for being a part of our lives as we have journeyed from the Andes Mountains, to the Arizona desert and now to the beautiful hill country of Texas.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Introducing Josiah David Newell
Born at 1:54 am, April 23, 2009
Weighing 8 lbs 9oz
We were praising God for a quick labor and delivery Wednesday night. Josiah arrived on the scene 2 hours after we arrived at the hospital. He missed being born on Pete's birthday by 2 hours.
A very proud big sister came hours after Josiah was born to meet her new baby brother.

B and Grandad had arrived the night before when Lori was having contractions 10 minutes apart. The contractions stopped after 6 hours, but B and Grandad stayed for the excitement the next night.

Our first complete family photo... a happy fivesome.

Lily holding her brother for the first time.

Josiah will be well cared for and loved by these two little ones.

Lily and Silas posing for an Easter picture before church.

Silas showing off our beautiful garden that B and Grandad have planted for us. We already have squash growing.

Lily and Silas helping Pete celebrate his 35th birthday hours before Josiah came into this world. We are thankful for you Daddy and the blessing you are to all of us. Thank you for being such a GREAT daddy and husband!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!


Jen said...

Congratulations Lori and family! :) He is so cute!!!

Tara said...

Congratulations!! Josiah is a beautiful baby!

Roxley said...

He's perfectly adorable!

katie noelle said...

He is beautiful! And I can't believe how much Lily and Silas keep growing. Seeing them next to their baby brother, they certainly aren't babies anymore!

Neal, Rebecca, Camden, Owen, Emma & Callie said...

YEAH!!!!! We are so happy to FINALLY know youa re int he blog world. Funny how our titles are just aboout the SAME!! Be sure to check ours out too!